Thursday, March 25, 2010

First post

Needing to come up with something profound to say for a first post applies an uncomfortable pressure to one’s creativity. Perform! And do it now.

This does not improve my ability to do so.

I could write that I took a walk on the Monon Trail at 8 this morning, just as the Easter egg blue and white-marbled sky was separating itself from grey dawn.

Or that the daffodils outside my office window shiver rather than dance in the crisp breeze of morning, which in no way diminishes their ability to charm me. I am relieved to see them and to know with certainty that color is returning to the world.

That will have to do.


  1. Imagine my surprise when I opened my Google Reader and saw that you had NEW posts in your NEW blog. I'm so proud of you. (Even if you took out the great sidebar list I started for you yesterday.) I love this. All of it. Love, love, love. Too bad I'm not a word person. What happened to eloquence? Simple enthusiasm will have to suffice.

  2. I have a small smile speading over my face...I am your first blog follower & subscriber...although I have been your devotee for many years. You are the most amazing wordsmith I have ever met - OX, Bobbi
